Colorado is at the mercy of the tumbleweeds

They are everywhere. The tumbleweeds are everywhere

Published November 11, 2014 9:50PM (EST)

A storm blew gusts of arctic wind across Colorado on Monday, resulting in clouds of dust and an abundance of tumbleweeds. Oh, the tumbleweeds.

Denver's Fox affiliate reports:

"My first thought was, 'Wow!'" homeowner Jim Clements told KKTV after seeing the tumbleweeds in his yard. “I’m in for some work because I’ve got to take care of it somehow and to get it out of my yard.

Tumbleweeds are common in southern Colorado, especially when strong winds come through. In March, several neighborhoods in Colorado Springs were over by the dreaded Russian Thistle. Some people were barricaded inside their homes because of the tumbleweeds.

The photos are absurd.

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In March of this year, a similar invasion ended up trapping a pregnant woman inside her house. She called the fire department to clear a path. Guys, be careful not to get caught in a beige prickly cloud!

By Joanna Rothkopf

MORE FROM Joanna Rothkopf

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Colorado Storm Tumbleweeds Weather