Twitter hated the "True Detective" finale: "I only kept watching in hopes someone would kill that lady singing in the bar"

The second season yielded terrible reviews -- and plenty of good jokes

Published August 10, 2015 1:56PM (EDT)

Rachel McAdams and Colin Farrell in "True Detective"       (HBO)
Rachel McAdams and Colin Farrell in "True Detective" (HBO)

After a couple of weeks of cautious optimism, the tide turned cruelly and swiftly against Nic Pizzolatto’s second season of “True Detective," with critics deeming it a massive failure and viewers tuning in increasingly to hate-watch rather than to try and make sense of the labyrinthine plot or contrived dialogue. While last night's conclusion may have brought little comfort to those who spent eight hours of their lives devoted to the show, it did yield plenty of good Twitter jokes, from Chad Velcoro’s email address to our hopes and dreams for that depressing bar singer. Let us reflect:

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By Anna Silman

MORE FROM Anna Silman

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