Ann Coulter mocks those offended by an offensive word: "I'll start using 'Mayor of Dallas' for a bit instead"

She seeks to offend those "testy" souls who find the term offensive simply because she enjoys doing so

Published November 25, 2015 4:54PM (EST)

  (Reuters/Lucas Jackson)
(Reuters/Lucas Jackson)

Conservatives are not happy with Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings' comments on MSNBC that he is "more fearful of large gatherings of white men that come into schools, theaters and shoot people up" than he is of potential ISIS plants in groups of Syrian refugees -- and, not surprisingly, Ann Coulter chose to communicate her unhappiness in the most offensive way possible:

Coulter is being "edgy" here, and much like a racist who complains about not being allowed to say the word "n*gger" just for the thrill of having an opportunity to say it, Coulter has no larger point to make. She seeks to offend those "testy" souls who find the term offensive simply because she enjoys doing so, proving yet again that being a callous asshole isn't necessarily an apolitical act.

Within minutes, Coulter started to spread her special breed of "humor" around by responding to her "Mayor of Dallas" critics:

But apparently "Mayor of Dallas" doesn't provide the same decorum-bucking high as its antecedent, because a few minutes later, she's replaced her dog-whistle with a bullhorn and started shouting at empty streets again:

This effort on the part of someone as famous as Coulter already is bespeaks of a certain kind of anti-conformist sadness -- a deep-seated, but perpetually unmet need to be taken seriously that manifests as juvenile outbursts of contrarian soundbites. Would that she sought help and put us out of her misery.

By Scott Eric Kaufman

MORE FROM Scott Eric Kaufman

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