A Super Tuesday game-changer? "At least one" incumbent GOP senator will endorse Clinton if Trump wins the nomination: Chuck Todd

The senator, Todd said, wants to "send a message" to the party -- and it's apparently "anyone but Trump"

Published March 2, 2016 1:49AM (EST)

 Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton

The Raw Story's David Edwards reports that Chuck Todd "drop[ped] a bombshell" during MSNBC's Super Tuesday coverage, revealing that an incumbent GOP senator would endorse Hillary Clinton if Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination.

Todd said that he had been told that there is "real speculation today from very informed people that at least one Republican Senate incumbent, if given a choice, might publicly endorse Hillary Clinton."

That "incumbent senator, there’s at least one that I’ve heard that could end up doing that, making that choice" not because he or she wanted to, but because "they need to send a message." And that message, apparently, is "elect Trump at your peril."

Watch the video of Todd making this declaration via Raw Story below.

By Scott Eric Kaufman

MORE FROM Scott Eric Kaufman

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2016 Gop Primary Chuck Todd Donald Trump Elections 2016 Hillary Clinton Msnbc