Alex Jones, the pharmacist: John Oliver explores how Infowars is pretty much a glorified pharmacy

John Oliver gives Alex Jones a taste of his own medicine.

Published July 31, 2017 9:40AM (EDT)

John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)
John Oliver (Last Week Tonight)

John Oliver pushed an insane conspiracy theory on his show Sunday night, arguing that the sole purpose of Infowars was to sell crackpot nutraceuticals at exorbitant prices.

The host of "Last Week Tonight" took a look at Alex Jones' media empire, built on right-wing rage and profits from his shady pharmaceutical business. Jones, whom Oliver called "the Walter Cronkite of shrieking batshit gorilla clowns," consistently encourages his audience to shop on his online store, which sells products ranging from male vitality ointment to paleo powder (made up of chicken skeleton dust).

"I'm not saying the only reason Jones is talking about the globalists systematically feminizing us is to sell overpriced nutraceuticals so that he can buy luxury watches," Oliver said Sunday, "but if I were saying that, it certainly wouldn't be the stupidest conspiracy theory that you've heard tonight."

Jones is most known for promoting conspiracy theories such as the Sandy Hook shooting being a false flag, or the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks being an inside job. But the whole operation of Infowars relies on his listeners and viewers to buy weird stuff from his store.

"He looks like a skilled salesman spending hours a day frightening you about problems like refugees giving disease, then selling you an answer," Oliver said.  "To an untrained eye it sure seems like he was using the idea of a gay frog to sell his products."

Jones would lead his audience to believe that he needs the profits from his online store to keep his production going. But, as Oliver noted, Jones' studio looks as if it was put together in his basement, while the right-wing commentator flashes Rolex watches on his show.

There's nothing wrong with that, Oliver says, but the fact he has a "support" page on his website definitely crosses the line.

By Taylor Link

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Alex Jones Infowars John Oliver Last Week Tonight Right-wing Media