An exclusive clip from the POV documentary, "Quest." Filmed with vérité intimacy for nearly a decade, "Quest" is the moving portrait of a family from North Philadelphia. The film follows Christopher "Quest" Rainey and his wife, Christine'a "Ma Ques...
An exclusive clip from the POV documentary, "Quest." Filmed with vérité intimacy for nearly a decade, "Quest" is the moving portrait of a family from North Philadelphia. The film follows Christopher "Quest" Rainey and his wife, Christine'a "Ma Quest," as they raise a family while nurturing a community of hip-hop artists in their basement home music studio. Epic in scope, "Quest" is a vivid illumination of race and class in America and a testament to love, healing and hope.
"Quest" by Jonathan Olshefski and Sabrina Schmidt Gordon has its national broadcast and streaming debut on the PBS documentary series POV and on Monday, June 18, 2018, at 10 p.m. ET (check local listings). POV is American television's longest-running independent documentary series. POV films are known for their intimacy, their unforgettable storytelling, and their timeliness, putting a human face on contemporary social issues.