Gregg Barak (page 2)

Gregg Barak is an emeritus professor of criminology and criminal justice at Eastern Michigan University, and the author of multiple award-winning books on the crimes of the powerful including Criminology on Trump (2022) whose sequel, Indicting the 45th President: Boss Trump, the GOP, and What We can Do About the Threat to American Democracy will be published April 1, 2024. 



Donald Trump
Joe Biden; Rick Scott; Kevin McCarthy
Jim Jordan
Donald Trump
Capitol Riot
'Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House' by Michael Wolff
Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr.
Stephen Miller; Donald Trump
Donald Trump; Mar-a-Lago resort
Supporters of former US President Donald Trump drive around the US District Courthouse for the Southern District of Florida in West Palm Beach
Steve Bannon
Donald Trump
Donald Trump; Hillary Clinton