Letters to the Editor

Apple knows what girls (and grown-ups) want; pity poor famous Margaret Cho; does Giuliani have anything to talk about besides carpetbagging?

Published August 4, 1999 4:00PM (EDT)

The Barbie fixation


My wife is a project manager in the IT industry. Having listened to her
gripes on many an occasion, I know that what she wants is technology which
works. Forget the bells and whistles; if it
fulfills the requirements and is robust enough to withstand amendments, that
is enough. If it's pretty too, that is an advantage. Many people in this
business focus on the "neat" factor to the exclusion of the practical. Maybe
it's time for more female values?

-- Rik Meucci


I was at the New York MacWorld Expo, where the iBook was introduced. Though
Apple had row after row of iBooks to try out, there were lines of people waiting to get their hands on one. Many computer
journalists had egg on their face last year after they criticized Apple's
new iMac; the iMac broke all sales records at Apple and
was key to their financial comeback.

There are many people like myself that are simply trying to run a business
and want to use a computer that can get the work done, without having to
call up a consultant every couple months. I (a 42-year-old male) would love
to get a new iBook. And yes, my 17-year-old daughter told us that she would very much like to take a new iBook with her to college next year.

-- Glenn Grafton

Telford, Pa.

Dvorak is right on target. I don't know anyone in my business who has expressed an interest in the
iBook, primarily because of the "sissy" colors. Many of my associates have
an iMac, but who wants to be seen with the new iBook? Would you take this thing into a new business presentation?
I think not. In my professional opinion, the color scheme gives the iBook very limited marketing/sales
potential to the very market it intends to flood.

-- Dave Riley

New York

When I read Dvorak's column, I thought that he was ridiculing
nothing else but himself. I, for one, do not think of the iBook as
"girly" or "effeminate," and will be happy to lug one around as soon as I
can lay my hands on one.

-- Alain Chammas

Girl talk


I find nothing troubling about the idea of teenage girls using the Internet
as a forum to discuss their questions and anxieties about sex. Fifteen years
ago, when I was a teenager, those of us whose parents weren't comfortable
discussing these issues had to make do with stealing issues of Playboy from
our older brothers' bedrooms -- or, worse, through trial and error with early
sexual partners. It seems much healthier for girls to have a place where they
can learn about orgasms and birth control without embarrassment, and without
having to learn through their own experimentation.

-- Sarah Gold

New York

Margaret Cho: Celebrity as a disease


No one put a gun to Margaret Cho's head and marched her into a sitcom and celebrity.
Stardom dictates its own terms. Why is she so surprised
that the perceived love of millions comes with demands?

As for the pressure to lose weight and conform to "standards of beauty": Cho proclaims her love for "faggots and drag queens,"
but does not hold them accountable for setting the "beauty standard" -- which
caused her so much suffering -- as the creative directors of all the
major fashion magazines, and most of the top fashion photographers,
make-up artists, stylists and fashion designers.
Straight boys like their girls with some meat. Just check
Playboy magazine's demise through the '80s, as fetish magazines took to
bookstore shelves.

-- Jeremy Rogers

New York

It's time to say "Shut up!" to every celebrity who is tempted to whine and
complain about how terrible and horrible fame is. It's disgusting, and at
the same time laughable. Note to Margaret Cho: Do your stand-up thing at a podunk comedy club in
nowheresville. The next time someone comes knockin' with a big fat contract
for a TV show, turn it down. Then you won't be so burdened.

-- Lori Guthrie

The pits


I remember my mother chasing me through the house with a razor
and tweezers back in the '80s, telling me that my eyebrows
needed shaping! I can happily report that my eyebrows are still
happily unmodified; I shave only
when pushed into it by circumstances. To be honest, I think the whole
thing is a conspiracy on the part of the razor manufacturers to sell

Oddly enough, I have been told that prostitutes in some parts of Europe
are just about the only women who shave their legs. A smooth-legged
friend of mine had an uncomfortable run-in at a religious event
when she encountered some young men visiting from Sweden.

-- Chris Geary-Durrill

There could definitely be a link between breast cancer and women shaving
under their arms. The underarm area is one important body location for
toxic material to exit the body, and underarm hair facilitates the
evaporation of sweat and toxic materials from that area. In addition
underarm deodorants stop up this natural exit and can cause additional
problems from the chemical materials in the deodorants. When this area is
stopped up the toxins that should have exited the body can then migrate to
adjacent soft tissue (the breast). Cancer is the body's attempt at
isolating toxic material in a skin sac within the body, in order that the
body may maintain its normal function as long as possible.
It may be time for women to reconsider shaving.

-- Alfred Morrissette

San Rafael, Calif.

Let the circus begin


Does Giuliani have any other issue to run on besides Hillary Clinton's non-residency? I'm so sick of his jokes on the subject that I'm actually thinking about voting for Hillary. Guess what, Rudy? New Yorkers get it. Hillary Clinton isn't from New York. You've gotten it through our thick New York City skulls. Now can you talk about something else, like why you wouldn't meet with key black members of your staff until the NYPD killed some unarmed man?

-- Juliane Schneider

New York

Rudy Giuliani goes to Little Rock to tweak Hillary Clinton for
carpetbagging, and is greeted by ... Lt. Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller, of the
New York Rockefellers, who is about as home-grown as Jeb Bush.
Must every state have at least one politician named Bush, Kennedy or

-- Michael Treece

A few questions:

If "carpetbagging" is so awful, how come Giuliani energetically supported
Massachusetts resident Bobby Kennedy's successful 1964 bid for a United
States Senate seat out of New York?

If Rudy is such a wonderful choice for Senate, how come the residents of
his own city, the ones who know him the best, are by far the least
supportive of his Senate bid?

And why haven't we seen his lovely wife, Donna Hanover, at Giuliani's side lately? Her presence would be just the thing to dispel all those nasty rumors that Rudy just married her in order to take
advantage of her status as a local New York City TV personality, then dumped
her like a bad habit once his butt was safely behind the mayor's desk.

-- Teresa Huberty


Revenge is theirs


Two wrongs don't make a right, naturally. But of all the Serbs
in Kosovo who say they're staying in Kosovo because they "haven't done
anything," I wonder if that means they actually stood up against the genocide
waged by Serbs on the Kosovars, or if they really didn't do "anything."
Because if the latter is the case, they are no better than the Serb
soldiers who carried the weapons, and they can hardly be surprised by
the reaction of the returning Albanians.

-- Scott Stanford

Considering that the Serbs had only had the upper hand in Kosovo since the
death of Tito, things are simply back to the way they had been. From the
'50s, when Tito encouraged Albanian immigration into Kosovo to further
undercut the Serb minority, Albanians had a free reign to terrorize the
Serbs. They are simply returning to their old habits.

-- Damon Burkhart

By Letters to the Editor

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Hillary Rodham Clinton Rudy Giuliani