Blue Glow

Salon's TV picks for Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2000

Published August 16, 2000 5:39PM (EDT)


On Survivor (8 p.m., CBS), the Richard-Susan-Rudy alliance sets its sights on its next victim. Will it be Kelly or Sean? Or will something completely weird happen? Anyway, it's the next-to-last episode. Biography (8 p.m., A&E) has a new profile of Janis Joplin. The Big Brother (9 p.m., CBS) housemates learn the identity of the latest casualty. Did America vote for Karen, Josh or Cassandra? Or was there an overwhelming write-in vote for Julie Chen? On a rerun of The West Wing (9 p.m., NBC), Josh tells a tour group about a typical day at the White House (right -- no day is typical), while Sam and Toby have to bail Bartlet's Supreme Court nominee out of jail.


The new cable movie At Any Cost (9 p.m., VH1) stars Glenn Quinn (Doyle from "Angel") as a ruthless manager who makes life miserable for an up-and-coming band.

Democratic Convention: Vice presidential nominee Joseph Lieberman speaks.
MSNBC (4 p.m. ET)
CNN (4 p.m. and 7 p.m. ET)
Fox News (8 p.m. ET)
PBS (8 p.m. ET)
ABC (10 p.m. ET)
CBS (10 p.m. ET)
NBC (10 p.m. ET)


Yankees at Rangers or Devil Rays at Red Sox (7 p.m., ESPN)
Indians at A's or Tigers at Mariners (10:30 p.m., ESPN2)


Rosie O'Donnell (syndicated) Elton John, Jennifer Connelly (rerun)
David Letterman (CBS) Marv Albert, Heath Ledger, Bon Jovi (rerun)
Jay Leno (NBC) Tipper Gore, Willie Nelson, Orlando Jones
Politically Incorrect (ABC) White House press secretary Joe Lockhart, Rep. Harold Ford
Conan O'Brien (NBC) Chris Rock, Tom Clancy
Craig Kilborn (CBS) Al Franken, Siniad O'Connor

By Joyce Millman

Joyce Millman is a writer living in the Bay Area.

MORE FROM Joyce Millman

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