Try before you buy?

A "customer" is nabbed for playing his own porn on a store's VCR.

Published February 2, 2001 8:35PM (EST)

One of the most basic rules about watching porn videos is to enjoy them at home. That's why we have home entertainment systems. It's easy, discreet and you can always rewind for the special magic moments that tickle your lizard brain.

But perhaps your VCR is on the fritz. Just when you're all pumped up to enjoy some porn, your system can't play it. What do you do? Ohio resident Gary Wysong simply brought a video into his local electronics store. And surprise of surprises, the fool was caught and arrested.

According to Associated Press reports, Wysong waltzed into the Meijer store in Middletown, Ohio, last week, sauntered into the electronics department and slipped a Tina Turner music video into a VCR. Turner's image popped onto the screen of the display monitor. He watched the video, and when it was over he took the tape out of the VCR and continued cruising around the store. Sensing suspicious activity, the store's security officers started to tail him.

Wysong then strolled back to the VCR and casually popped in a porn tape from his pocket, which he then watched for about five minutes. Security began to converge on Wysong's little personal entertainment, but suddenly a 14-year-old boy spotted the porn images and backed up to get a better look. "Keep going," the officers ordered to the boy, and then asked Wysong to remove the tape from the VCR.

Wysong refused to remove the tape and was arrested. He explained to officers that when he played the tape, he didn't know what was on it. But a tape discovered in his pocket was marked "XXX Porno." Charged with pandering obscenity, Wysong was jailed on $25,000 bond.

He is 39 years old.

By Jack Boulware

Jack Boulware is a writer in San Francisco and author of "San Francisco Bizarro" and "Sex American Style."

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