Leave the cheese alone

Alone and sad, Nicole Kidman reconsiders what's important; Courtney Love has a miscarriage; and Ben Affleck beats his fear of flying -- by flying.

Published May 22, 2001 4:25PM (EDT)

Never mind all those rumors linking Nicole Kidman to just about any Hollywood actor in pants. The actress says it will be a cold Christmas in Sydney before she allows herself to fall in love again.

"Ohhhh, that's a long way off for me," she tells InStyle magazine. "A long way off."

It's just that she's feeling a little bruised, you understand, what with the messy divorce and all. "It's been awful," Kidman said in a televised interview with Oprah Winfrey on Friday, "one of those things where you just say, 'I cannot believe this is happening to me,' but I will move forward day by day."

Kidman, who flew back to her family's home in Australia last week to "to curl up in my bed and know I'm in Sydney," also tells InStyle that while she'll always be sad about the divorce and miscarriage, she also feels stronger having been through it all.

What's more, she says, she's gained a new perspective. "It does make you reevaluate what's important in life. And it certainly makes me say, 'Hmm, is it worth it?' I don't know if being on the treadmill chasing the cheese is the answer," she says, before deciding definitively that "it's not. It's definitely not."

Even if it's really good cheese.

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Pot talks; kettle listens

"The O-Town thing -- I can't stand it!"

-- Backstreet Boy Nick Carter on the "assembly line" quality of the boy band phenomenon.

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Sad Courtney news

Evidence that, unlike the Aussie actress herself, we have learned nothing from Nicole Kidman's pain: Reports that Courtney Love has had a miscarriage are now circulating in the U.K. tabloids -- and on the Web.

Like Kidman's flack before her, Love's publicist, Heidi Schaeffer, has apparently felt compelled to comment on her client's distress.

"It happened very early in the pregnancy," she said. "She had been bleeding for several days. She'd been working very hard."

Love, who was seen by doctors at a hospital in Vancouver, British Columbia, where she is filming "24 Hours," was comforted by her ex-boyfriend, Jim Barber, who may or may not have been the baby's father.

Not that any of this is any of our business.

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And he's not changing his name to Buffy, either

"Guys, slow down. I have no interest in producing a B. Pitty clothing line, based upon my alleged style ... so let's put this bonfire out right here."

-- Brad Pitt, denying vicious rumors that he was poised to launch a menswear line reflecting his own special style.

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Ben there, done that

Ben Affleck is flying high.

Affleck tells the Calgary Sun that, to overcome his intense fear of flying and do his thing in "Pearl Harbor," he took flying lessons.

"I learned that my fear is a control thing," he says. "When you're sitting in the belly of a plane you have no control but when you're doing the flying, you're in charge. There are different stresses but they're stresses I prefer."

Now if he could only nip those control issues in the bud.

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Miss something? Read yesterday's Nothing Personal.

By Amy Reiter

MORE FROM Amy Reiter

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