The first "no distinct smells" quiz!

Impress your friends by matching the stars with their absurd (but real) contract demands for backstage perks.

Published August 20, 2001 4:27PM (EDT)

I know, I know ... you're thirsting for a nice tall glass o' freshly squeezed gossip. And you'll have it ... tomorrow, when Nothing Personal returns in its usual form.

In the meantime, why not take this little quiz and find out what the celebs are drinking (and eating and sneezing into)? These thoughtful musicians have spelled it all out for us in meticulous detail in the backstage riders included in their performance contracts. (Most of the original riders can be viewed in their entirety at The Smoking Gun -- although the friendly fellas at TSG have been kind enough to provide us with a few never before published items, just to keep things interesting.) And believe me, this stuff goes way beyond green M&M removal.

Just match the celebrity to the demand ... and then click on the link below to find out how well you did.

Good luck -- and remember, you're taking a wacky quiz, not saving the whales!

1) Sammy Hagar

2) Mariah Carey

3) Aerosmith

4) Luciano Pavarotti

5) The Rolling Stones

6) Elton John

7) Cher

8) Sean "Puffy/P. Diddy" Combs

9) Faith Hill

10) Prince

11) Foo Fighters

12) The late Frank Sinatra

A) White tube sock, boxer shorts and Marlboro Red cigarettes in the box ("If you choose to take some moral stance, a $20 US buyout must be substituted. Remember, you are promoting concerts, not saving whales," cautions the rider)

B) Forty (40) kilos of ice but "ABSOLUTELY NO COLD CUTS"

C) Specifies that it is "ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY" that the food and beverages in his/her dressing room "must be covered by clear plastic wrap" until he/she uncovers them

D) Five (5) video games, a ping-pong table and accessories, and a "full-size snooker table" -- "not a pool table" -- though the artist(s) "will provide own snooker balls"

E) One bag of miniature Tootsie Rolls, one carton unfiltered Camel cigarettes, a Crock Pot

F) Stipulates that "all food and ice" in dressing room "must be inspected for hair, package, paper, etc." before serving

G) "Twelve (12) 16 oz. BLACK Solo Cups," "Two (2) cube shaped boxes of White Aloe Kleenex Tissues" and a separate room for the mysterious "Dr. Stacey"

H) Insists that there must be "no distinct smells anywhere near" him/her, and also requests a lemon squeezer and a cheese grater

I) A "verity of bananas, apples, oranges, grapes, pears and seasonal fruit," a "verity deli tray (total not exceeding half-pound)" and a "verity of whole wheat, multi grain, white breads or rolls"

J) Cristal, champagne glasses and bendy straws

K) "Corn on the cob: fresh ears, cooked 3 minutes only"

L) A fresh flower arrangement that "MUST NOT INCLUDE LILLY'S [sic]"


1) I

2) J

3) K

4) H

5) D

6) B

7) G

8) F

9) L

10) C

11) A

12) E

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Miss something? Read last Friday's Nothing Personal.

By Amy Reiter

MORE FROM Amy Reiter

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