Jeez-oh-peet. Yet another celebrity is threatening to blast off into space on a Russian Soyuz rocket.
The latest to don moon boots and tread the big red carpet in the cosmos? Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler.
Dan Forman, a spokesman for the lippy rocker, has told the Boston Globe that Tyler is deep in talks to make like 'N Syncer Lance Bass and rocket into the final frontier.
According to Forman, Tyler is currently contemplating the wisdom -- or lack thereof -- of getting himself into physical shape and forking over $20 million for the privilege of undertaking the journey.
Sounds like someone took all that "Dream until your dreams come true" stuff a little too seriously.
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Completely gone, that is
"There's a part of you that, until your brain is gone, will never forget."
-- Kathie Lee Gifford on the painful memory of her husband's all-too-public dalliance with another woman, in Ladies' Home Journal.
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Merkin madness
And today's award for oversharing goes to ... Patricia Arquette.
"I didn't want my first pubic hair, so I shaved it off," Arquette tells the upcoming issue of Jane magazine.
Now, however, she's come to appreciate the advantages of a little spare nether-regional fluff.
For her role as a hirsute woman in the forthcoming flick "Human Nature," Arquette even went to some lengths to augment what nature gave her down below.
In a revealing scene in which her character, Lila, appears naked -- after undergoing electrolysis to remove the massive amounts of hair that grew all over her body -- Arquette donned a pubic wig of her own making.
"I decided that even though she'd lost her body hair, she would still have a big triangle of pubic hair, so I stole another actor's beard and made a pubic wig," Arquette says. "I didn't want it to look like she had a little girl's pubic area."
No, we certainly couldn't have that.
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Hot pants are one thing ...
"I'd never pose topless. It's not me."
-- Kylie Minogue on how she turned down a $3 million offer to pose for Playboy, in
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Andie MacDowell's butt crack
Or actually, maybe the award for oversharing goes to Andie MacDowell.
Asked by veteran gossip reporter Cindy Adams if she has ever had sex in a graveyard, as does the character she plays in "Crush," MacDowell replied, "No. But I have had sex in many different places."
Mercifully, she failed to elaborate much on that, but she did say this about that movie "Crush," in which her character has a steamy affair with a much younger man:
"In this movie, in the back of a Volvo, you see my legs go up and down as I put on my panties. That was my idea. Through a mirror in another scene you see the crack of my butt. First time I had to show my breast -- you only see the bottom part from the rear -- I was so stiff. I couldn't relax. Eventually, I got over the humiliation because the camera person was a woman and the guys didn't look at me."
Perhaps next time she should try a pubic wig. Grabs their attention every time.
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Miss something? Read yesterday's Nothing Personal.