New Hampshire Is for Lovers

A misplaced presidential sign leads to a roadkill and a seriously ugly, symbolic defeat.

Published April 14, 2004 10:34PM (EDT)

Teresa Santiago was confused. She had come from Sioux City, where she lived alone with her half-brother Terence, the Eagle Scout, to volunteer for the campaign of Thomas Kapucinski for President. She had faked a pregnancy to get three months' maternity leave, was staying at the Econolodge for that period, had been working for Kapucinski for six weeks, and planned to stay for six more. But she was confused. She had just found a Rob Jones for President sign on the snowbank in front of their Nashua headquarters and didn't know what to do about it.

The rest of this story is no longer online, but does appear in the book "The Unforbidden Is Compulsory, or Optimism."

By Dave Eggers

Dave Eggers is the author of "You Shall Know Our Velocity" and "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius."

MORE FROM Dave Eggers

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