Polls, polls, polls

Published June 23, 2004 6:35PM (EDT)

A new Zogby Interactive poll tips the electoral vote count into Bush's column after two weeks of Reagan memorials and relatively positive media attention. Kerry picked up Arkansas, but lost Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio and West Virginia. The Wall Street Journal has the survey results and polling history here.

In a new Raleigh News & Observer poll, Bush's lead in North Carolina has slimmed to 5 points -- 47 to 42 percent. Almost a quarter said that they'd be more likely to vote for Kerry in November if John Edwards were his running mate.

In Oregon, a Moore Information poll gives the state to Kerry 44 to 39 percent. Note the large number of undecideds. Electoral-vote.com's electoral map has a more detailed breakdown of the horserace.

Despite the Zogby numbers, a new ABC News/Washington Post poll shows that Kerry still maintains a small lead nationally. With Nader in the race, Kerry wins with 48 percent to Bush's 44. Significantly, without Nader, Kerry wins 53 to 45. And who says third parties don't matter in America? A new Gallup poll shows 41 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, with Republicans more likely to be satisfied. Another Raleigh News & Observer poll meanwhile, puts Democratic Senate candidate Erskine Bowles in the lead over Republican Richard Burr 47 percent to 39 percent.

And Bill Clinton is still quite popular, according to the ABC News/Washington Post poll, with a 62 percent retrospective job approval rating. The Hotline also reported Monday that an American Research Group poll showed Clinton comparing favorably to George W. Bush, especially on the economy. Bush's 41 percent approval rating was dwarfed by Clinton's 58 percent in the survey. A hefty 68 percent of respondents also approved of Clinton's handling of the economy, in contrast to Bush's 43 percent.

By Stephen W. Stromberg

Stephen W. Stromberg is a former editorial fellow at Salon.

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