Around the World in 15 Songs

A globe-trotting submission to the Summer Soundtrack Contest.

Published June 29, 2005 5:50PM (EDT)

Lisa Brockmeier's Summer Soundtrack Contest submission, "Travel Around the World This Summer," features tracks from all manner of continents. I'm especially thrilled that she found some music by the Boban Marcovic Orkestar, the great Balkan brass band responsible for much of the ridiculously good music in "Underground" and other films by Emir Kusturica.

1. "Miyaabele," Baaba Maal
2. "Orgasmatron," Albert Kuvezin Yat-Kha
"Man's Word," Natacha Atlas
4. "Don Quijote Marijuana," Brujeria
5. "Buah," 7 Notas 7 Colores
6. "Dzungla Na Kaldrmi," Vlada Divljan
7. "Justo N," Control Machete
8. "Ganges A Go-go," Kalyanji Anandji vs. Automat
9. "Okean," Veliki Prezir
10. "El Indio," Charanga Cakewalk
11. "Otpisani," Boban Markovic Orkestar
12. "El Tambor," Radio Mundial
13. "Malarae," Kulisch And Vana-Veli
14. "Livingston Buzz," Radio Zumbido
15. "Balkan Rumba," Ognjen I Prijatelji

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