Come again, Cindy?

We love New York Post gossip columnist Cindy Adams. But sometimes we need help understanding her.

Published November 15, 2005 7:30PM (EST)

Broadsheet loves the gossip mavens at the New York Post. But occasionally a column by Liz Smith or Cindy Adams will give us pause, as in, we just don't know what the #$^%& those loony chicks are talking about. That happened today when we opened Adams' page and read this paragraph:

"WELL in advance, like a month ago, I told you the Times, which gang-raped Judith Miller, would then kill her off. Being an American, voicing your opinion is an entitlement. Being a New Yorker, it's a requirement. Since access is what reporters like us are supposed to have, I choose to say the Old Gray Lady is having menopause."

OK, besides the fact that likening the Times' Judy pileup to a gang rape is, well, patently offensive, we just don't know what Cindy is trying to say here. If Broadsheet readers have any clue, will you let us know?

P.S. The good news about Adams' column is that she had an update on Aaron Brown, Broadsheet's favorite ex-anchor. "SO, no longer on CNN, what's Aaron Brown going to do? 'Be home for a while,' he answered. Then: 'CNN in the old days had a clear vision. It knew what it was. It's lost its way today.' Watch for a book from Aaron Brown." We can't wait.

By Lori Leibovich

Lori Leibovich is a contributing editor at Salon and the former editor of the Life section.

MORE FROM Lori Leibovich

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