Breaking news: White House unveils Christmas tree

"Fa la la la la la la la la," says first lady.

Published November 30, 2005 9:25PM (EST)

The New York Times today revealed that the "lush" White House holiday decorations include "a panoply of fresh tulips and azaleas, amber glass balls, garlands strung with lemons and a partridge ... on a bay topiary hung with pears." The East Wing and State Floor are adorned with "580 feet of garland, several myrtle topiary trees and boxwood window wreaths designed by Nancy Clarke, chief White House florist, in consultation with Mrs. Bush." The Christmas centerpiece, an 18 1/2-foot Frasier fir from the family-owned and -operated Smokey Holler Tree Farm in Laurel Springs, N.C., is "adorned with lilies and ivory roses sipping water from hanging glass tubes doubling as ornaments."

"I think it's particularly beautiful this year with the lilies on it," said First Lady Laura Bush, who had earlier informed reporters that the White House was decorated by "Santa's Elves."

"We wanted to use real and fresh flowers and garlands and fruits, and that's what we've done," Bush also said, noting that "the White House wanted to show 'how beautiful nature is, and how many things we can use from our own gardens or woods during Christmas decorations.'"

"Every year I think it's the prettiest year, but this year I really do think it's the prettiest year," she added.

Broadsheet's Christmas prayer: Please God, in our lifetimes, make this stuff the first gentleman's job.

By Lynn Harris

Award-winning journalist Lynn Harris is author of the comic novel "Death by Chick Lit" and co-creator of She also writes for the New York Times, Glamour, and many others.

MORE FROM Lynn Harris

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