We reported yesterday on the case of Khaled el-Masri, the German citizen the CIA held in secret detention for five months before figuring out that an official's "hunch" about him was wrong. There's a new development in the case today: With the help of the ACLU, Masri is suing, charging that former CIA Director George Tenet and other agency officials conspired to violate U.S. and international law by taking him into custody and sending him to Afghanistan for interrogation and, he says, mistreatment.
A CIA victim strikes back
A man taken into custody and then sent to Afghanistan on a "hunch" goes to court for vindication.
By Tim Grieve
Published December 6, 2005 6:48PM (EST)

By Tim Grieve
Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.
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