Carnival of feminists

Where we get introduced to a passel of blogging sisters.

Published December 12, 2005 2:33PM (EST)

Thanks to the Happy Feminist -- motto: "... Legal, Liberated and Loving It (thoughts of a 30-something, married, Unitarian, dog-loving attorney) -- for showing in a spectacular way just how alive feminism is.

On Friday she hosted the fourth "Carnival of Feminists," for which nearly 50 bloggers wrote about how and when they became feminists. The Carnival, held the first and third Wednesday of every month, is hosted each time by a different blogger, and is an attempt to get new voices heard and create a network among feminist bloggers.

Along with Broadsheet favorites like Pandagon, BitchPhD and Shakespeare's Sister, the Carnival introduced me to bloggers like Lingual Tremors, who writes that she held her first protest in fourth grade, the academic Mad, Melancholic Feminista and the Daily Troll, who comes from "a long line of charismatic but troubled men; scrappers, brawlers, laborers, dreamers and poets with a tendency toward depression and self-medication with booze" who were saved by "their inclination to marry strong women."

The Sugared Harpy describes how she was academically ignored as soon as she got pregnant in high school, and Ducking for Apples considers her own date rape 16 years ago. Hugo Schwyzer notes that when he recently found himself the only male professor helping his female colleagues set up for a holiday party, it reminded him of how "easy [it is] for me and for other men to 'not think' about who puts on the parties, lays out the napkins, slices the cake, and makes sure that the trash can has plastic liners. It's so easy to just 'disappear' into the office until it's time to eat."

There's lots more. Check it out.

By Rebecca Traister

Rebecca Traister writes for Salon. She is the author of "Big Girls Don't Cry: The Election that Changed Everything for American Women" (Free Press). Follow @rtraister on Twitter.

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