Yarmulkes for women

A snazzy holiday item lets women wear the traditional toppers. Just ... not on their heads.

Published December 16, 2005 12:40PM (EST)

We just can't quit with the unconventional holiday decorating ideas. Yesterday, we spread the word about tampon holiday ornaments. Today, with thanks to Nerve's Scanner, we're back to present you with ... the yarmulke bra!

These beauties are pretty much what you'd expect -- two yarmulkes for the cups, held together with cloth straps -- and have great, irreverent names like "Bat mitzvah" and "Babooshka."

Now, they're not cheap ($65!). Some people will find them offensive. And for ladies who require support from their undergarments, the yarmulke bra probably won't get the job done.

But if you'd like to celebrate Chanukah by laying claim to a traditionally male garment, look no further: "A yarmulkebra is a bra made of two yarmulkes," the site's cheeky FAQ explains. "No longer are yarmulkes limited to men or heads. You wanted to wear one? Now you can wear two."

By Page Rockwell

Page Rockwell is Salon's editorial project manager.

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