Kissing teen drops suit against Christian school

Girl had a relationship with another female student.

Published January 20, 2006 7:15PM (EST)

Remember that teen in Georgia who was suing her Christian high school for a million bucks after she was expelled for kissing another female student at a party off campus? Here's an update from Agape Press, a Christian news source: Jessica Bradley and her father have dropped their lawsuit against Covenant Christian Academy because Bradley had a relationship with another female student.

"She admitted to a sexual relationship with another student," Matthew Moffett, an attorney for the school said. "That is a violation of school rules that are in writing, that are distributed to students and their parents, and which students and parents sign in agreement to abide by."

We can't help wondering what happened to the other girl, but there's no word on that. Here's hoping that Bradley has since found another school to attend with a less restrictive code of conduct.

By Katharine Mieszkowski

Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon.

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