Dominating the dominatrix

O'Reilly wants this professional dominatrix to know that she disgusts him!

By H.h.

Published January 25, 2006 9:39PM (EST)

Does an obscure manslaughter trial involving a dominatrix really constitute important news? It does on The Factor, mostly because it gives Bill O'Reilly a chance to drag out a professional dominatrix so he can try his best Disappointed Daddy routine on her, replete with finger-wagging and scolding. "You're taking a big, big risk," O'Reilly tells his guest, but somehow stops short of addressing her as "young lady." Dominatrix Georgia Payne (nice stage name!) holds her own until the end, when O'Reilly's parental grumbling and dismissive paper-shuffling apparently triggers some kind of Pavlovian response and Payne starts stuttering like she's O'Reilly's whoring sea donkey daughter caught sneaking in past curfew dressed in thigh-high black leather boots. Next time, use your horse whip on him, Georgia!

By H.h.


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