Another White House run? A former aide says Gore is considering it

Could the former vice president make a late entry as an outsider candidate?

Published May 8, 2006 3:36PM (EDT)

Al Gore in 2008?

As the denials keep coming in the present tense -- "he's not running" isn't the same thing as "he won't run" -- an unidentified "former advisor" tells the Wall Street Journal that Gore is considering the possibility. "I do know that he's thinking about it. I know for a fact," the former advisor says. "He's talked to people about the pros and cons."

The Journal lays out one scenario for a Gore run: The former vice president's "fame and fund-raising potential" could allow him to "remain noncommittal and enter the presidential fray late" as an outsider alternative to Hillary Clinton.

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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