A Post-Oil Man

A creepy animation sure to make you turn the lights off.

By Kl

Published May 26, 2006 8:53PM (EDT)

We're not sure if it's the apocalyptic message of James W. Johnson's fine short animation that we find so unsettling -- or just his bike-pedaling narrator. But we know it's really good. Johnson tells us he felt inspired to make this combination 3-D animation/video short after he watched the movie "Oil Crash," and researched the subject afterward. "It sounds like the world doesn't quite realize that much of what we take for granted will not be around for very long," he wrote us. "My hope is that even if people don't agree that there is an oil crisis, perhaps they would be willing to sit through a wacky three-minute monologue and at least consider the possibility." We hope so. Check out some of his other fine works here.

By Kl


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