Don't write Rick Santorum into the Constitution

The Federal Marriage Amendment goes to Senate vote today -- and it shouldn't go silently.

Published June 7, 2006 1:47PM (EDT)

"I would argue that the future of our country hangs in the balance because the future of marriage hangs in the balance. Isn't that the ultimate homeland security, standing up and defending marriage?"

-- Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa.; One Voice News 7/14/04, as quoted at

Right-o. We'd feel more secure with, say, fewer unprovoked wars in the Middle East, but maybe that's just us. In any case, we're calling our senators this morning to make sure they oppose the Federal Marriage Amendment, which they're voting on today. If you're so inspired -- and by "inspired" we mean revulsed by this cynical, fishily timed, hate-/fear-mongering effort to "write discrimination into the Constitution" while so many other urgent issues are crying out for attention -- please do so, too. Whether or not you think the amendment has a chance, and even if you know where your people stand, they need to know just how strong their constituents feel. Join the Human Rights Campaign's efforts here.

By Lynn Harris

Award-winning journalist Lynn Harris is author of the comic novel "Death by Chick Lit" and co-creator of She also writes for the New York Times, Glamour, and many others.

MORE FROM Lynn Harris

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