What else we're reading: Father's Day edition

All dad, all the time.

Published June 16, 2006 10:47PM (EDT)

Reuters: Skip the tie. This year, nudge your favorite dad to talk to his doctor about prostate cancer. "Women don't realize how much influence they have with their husbands on matters of health," Leslie D. Michelson, head of the Prostate Cancer Foundation told Reuters. "Daughters, wives and partners may be our secret weapons to get men to talk with their doctors about prostate cancer."

AlterNet: "The freaks of Father's Day," or the true experiences of one stay-at-home dad.

TheBostonChannel.com: Survey: Forty-four percent of dads say that they're willing to take a pay cut to spend more time with their kids; four in 10 say that they'd be willing to be stay-at-home dads if their spouse made enough to support their families.

Sightline Institute: Car-less in Seattle. A family with three kids experiments with living without a car for a year, as told by the father, Alan Durning. In the latest installment, Dad reflects on mooching.

By Katharine Mieszkowski

Katharine Mieszkowski is a senior writer for Salon.

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