What else we're reading

A victory for pregnant cops, absurd claims from abstinence-only curricula, and do American husbands need to be "trained" like wild animals?

Published June 26, 2006 9:02PM (EDT)

Feminist Daily New Wire: A federal jury ruled in favor of six pregnant police officers who filed a discrimination suit against the Suffolk County, N.Y., police department.

New York Times: As I read Sunday's Modern Love column "What Shamu Taught Me About a Happy Marriage," I wondered how many male readers were offended by the author's premise that husbands need to be "trained" like wild beasts. Weigh in in our comments section.

The Los Angeles Times: When the town of Kanab, Utah, passed a resolution claiming its top priority was protecting the "natural" family (described as "man and woman, duly married as ordained of God, with hearts open to a full quiver of children") some residents were -- surprise! -- offended.

Women's eNews: A women's group in Iraq is demanding justice for thousands of Iraqi women who suffered gender-based violence under Saddam Hussein.

AlterNet has an article by Feministing's Jessica Valenti with some truly terrifying examples of sexism and blatant misinformation in some abstinence-only curricula.

By Lori Leibovich

Lori Leibovich is a contributing editor at Salon and the former editor of the Life section.

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