House majority leader: Do Democrats want to protect terrorists?

One day after Bush calls for unity, Republican Rep. John Boehner goes on the attack.

Published September 13, 2006 12:33PM (EDT)

From the "Unity Is So Yesterday" Department, here's Republican House Majority Leader John Boehner one day after George W. Bush called for Americans to come together in the war on terrorism: "I listen to my Democratic friends and I wonder if they're more interested in protecting the terrorists than protecting the American people."

As the Washington Post's Dana Milbank reports this morning, somebody gave Boehner the chance to backtrack by asking if he really meant to accuse Democrats of treason. "I said I wonder if they're more interested in protecting the terrorists," Boehner explained. "They certainly don't want to take the terrorists on in the field."

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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