Daily Download: "What Were the Chances," Damien Jurado

Damien Jurado channels Nick Drake -- but is better off when he doesn't.

Published October 18, 2006 7:01AM (EDT)

Damien Jurado has been persistently compared to Nick Drake, and he's now responded with a cover of Drake's "Pink Moon" (made famous by Volkswagen), a cover so faithful that it's hard to know why he bothered, unless you think what the song really needed was just a touch more jauntiness in the vocal and a single different note in the piano part. Far better is "What Were the Chances," a truly haunting track from Jurado's upcoming "And Now That I'm in Your Shadow," just drum machine, slightly out-of-tune guitar, organ and some whispered phrases about what sounds like a very sad and sweet infidelity.

-- T.B.

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