What else we're reading

Sure, Nancy Pelosi's a political heavyweight, but who is she wearing? Also, orgasms for peace?

Published November 15, 2006 10:29PM (EST)

PR Newswire: According to a recent survey, almost 40 percent of women would prefer Botox injections to a vacation in Paris. Would it be obnoxious to suggest that a Parisian jaunt might be naturally revivifying?

Americablog: Nancy Pelosi: Future House speaker or fashionista? An Associated Press photo caption describes her arriving on Capitol Hill "dressed in an Armani acqua [sic] blue-grey pantsuit." Blogger John in D.C. wonders, would the AP bother detailing "the brand and color of suit Harry Reid was wearing"? Yeah, probably not.

Wired: Usually the advice is to clear your mind during sex. But on Dec. 22, the folks at Global Orgasm -- just imagine that business card -- have a tall order: Meditate on world peace during and after your orgasm, by way of effecting "change in the energy field of the Earth through input of the largest possible surge of human energy." There have been worse ideas.

Esquire: The magazine's "12 Things You Don't Know About Women" is surely meant for men, but a lot of these items are news to us, too. A wildflower, for instance, apparently will buy a suitor an express ticket into a woman's pants.

New York Times: Reports have surfaced of authorities intimidating witnesses of the recent mass gropings in Cairo, Egypt. No wonder until recently reports have been mostly limited to blog buzz.

Slate: Meghan O'Rourke takes a look at the rise in single-sex education in public schools and outlines psychologist Leonard Sax's dictums for gender-appropriate teaching. My absolute favorite? "Ernest Hemingway's books are boy-friendly, while Toni Morrison's are girl-friendly."

Engadget: Does your laptop clash with your outfit? Here's a $5,000 fix: The aptly named Tulip Ego computer, which comes with "interchangeable skins" -- a creepy phrase, indeed -- including zebra print and hot pink.

By Tracy Clark-Flory

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