Floridian elfin magic

Smile: you're on elfdar!

Published December 12, 2006 5:02PM (EST)

Oh boy, look-it there  it's an adorable elf! Not so fast  literally (and we really dislike using the word literally). If you're driving in Orange County, Fla., and you see an elf shooting a radar gun by the side of the road  by all means, do not look in your rearview mirror  instead, jam on those brakes immediately. See, that elf is a motorcycle deputy (sans motorcycle and dignity) and, as the cop in this story points out, "The one we chose actually looks like an elf." That's some strong attention to detail, officer. Enjoy this local newsbyte about Operation ELFS (Enforcing Limits and Fining Speeders ... okay, so every detail doesn't receive the same attention) and Happy Holidays from the Orange County Sheriff's Department!

By David Puner

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