For the GOP, a do-over debate in Iowa?

But why in God's name would Huckabee agree?

Published December 14, 2007 3:56PM (EST)

The Politico's Jonathan Martin reports that Republicans were so disappointed with this week's dreary, news-free GOP debate in Iowa that some of them are hoping for a do-over.

Tuesday's debate was supposed to have been the last for the GOP in Iowa before the Jan. 3 caucuses, but a "well-placed Iowa Republican" tells Martin that the snoozefest left such a "bad taste" that the Republicans would like to squeeze in another, maybe right after Christmas.

Our question: Which Republicans are we talking about here? We wouldn't be surprised to hear that Mitt Romney would like one more shot at taking down Mike Huckabee. But why in God's name -- and we use the expression advisedly -- would Huckabee want to put his commanding Iowa lead on the line by giving his challengers another chance to land the punches they couldn't throw the last time around?

By Tim Grieve

Tim Grieve is a senior writer and the author of Salon's War Room blog.

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