Reese Witherspoon empowers women ... with a rubber bracelet?

Introducing the "women's empowerment bracelet," yet another in a long line of issue-awareness jewelry.

Published March 5, 2008 9:50PM (EST)

Thanks to Lance Armstrong's "Live Strong" bracelet craze, celebrities who want to save the world don't just adopt babies and record feel-good pop songs anymore. They also wear rubber jewelry. Reese Witherspoon was at the United Nations Tuesday modeling the blue "women's empowerment bracelet." It's $3, and proceeds go to a trust fund run by the U.N. Development Fund for Women. The bracelet has an infinity symbol on it, which signifies limitless opportunities. Look, I hope they sell a billion of these and eradicate all the world's suffering, but I'm a little skeptical that a blue rubber bracelet is gonna cut it.

Should you disagree, you can stock up on your issue needs at the Awareness Depot, a "family-owned awareness superstore" that will help you tout your awareness about autism, diabetes, AIDS or any of the other delicate issues we've been made more aware of via rubber jewelry. The best part? The clearance page, featuring the tsunami remembrance bracelet. Now you, too, can be aware of one of the deadliest natural disasters in history for the low, low price of 50 cents, marked down from $1.95.

By Andrea Grimes

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