A "True Enough" reading in San Francisco

The Booksmith, Wednesday, 7 p.m. Also, Google.

Published May 13, 2008 2:40PM (EDT)

If you're near the Haight in San Francisco on Wednesday evening, you're welcome to stop by The Booksmith, where I'll be discussing my book, "True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society." And if you work at Google, I'll be at your Mountain View HQ on Monday for an Authors@Google reading.

In the book I examine the psychological forces that push us to conceive of "reality" as something personal -- to see truth filtered through our own perceptions.

This trend, I argue, has been exacerbated by digital media, and plays a part in many of our controversies -- for instance the Swift Boat Vet campaign, Global Warming and AIDS denial, and theories regarding what really happened on 9/11 or during the 2004 presidential election.

Do you agree? Or, better, disagree? Come by, we can chat.

Wed. May 14, 7 p.m.
The Booksmith
1644 Haight Street
San Francisco, Calif. 94117


Mon. May 19, 1 p.m.
Mountain View, Calif.

By Farhad Manjoo

Farhad Manjoo is a Salon staff writer and the author of True Enough: Learning to Live in a Post-Fact Society.

MORE FROM Farhad Manjoo

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