"Free Sarah Palin!"

Campbell Brown decries the "sexist treatment" of Gov. Pit Bull by her own campaign.

Published September 24, 2008 4:50PM (EDT)

Jezebel reports that CNN's Campbell Brown, whom you may remember from films such as "Tucker Bounds and the Chamber of Lameness," last night "got her Olbermann on ... and ranted us into fangirldom."

Brown's beef: Gov. Sarah Palin has been the victim of sexism -- by her own campaign, which has shielded its V.P. pick from the media like the "delicate flower" that she very clearly isn't. I'm not quite as ga-ga as Jez is here, as Campbell's rant lacks the rhetorical wink showing us that she knows what we all do: that the real reason Palin isn't talking -- especially while on her embarrassing Meet World Leaders! whirlwind tour -- is not because she has no Y chromosome, but because she has no goddamn clue. Still, it's a satisfying/infuriating way to pass 1.3 minutes before Nov. 4.

By Lynn Harris

Award-winning journalist Lynn Harris is author of the comic novel "Death by Chick Lit" and co-creator of BreakupGirl.net. She also writes for the New York Times, Glamour, and many others.

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