Quote of the day

Yet another reason to love Rainn Wilson of "The Office."

Published September 30, 2008 9:30PM (EDT)

Who doesn't love Rainn Wilson? Despite his role as vindictive, brown-nosing Dwight Schrute on "The Office," the real-life Wilson has always radiated a sweet, goofy likability. But he isn't just a nice guy. It turns out he also actively supports women's rights. On Sunday, Wilson spoke to students and alumni at George Washington University as part of a fundraiser for D.C.'s Tahirih Justice Center. The organization provides legal aid and social services to women and girls who have suffered gender-based violence. Along with entertaining his audience and signing autographs, Wilson met with some of Tahirih's clients and listened to their stories.

In an interview with George Washington's campus newspaper, Wilson credited his concern for social justice -- and women's rights in particular -- to his Baha'i faith. He also offered up some intelligent insights on feminism, Angelina Jolie and celebrities' involvement in progressive causes. The whole piece is worth a read, but we have room for only one quote of the day, and this is the one that makes me proudest to be an "Office" fan:

"When you start reading about the plight of women throughout the world ... you realize that hundreds of women are essentially used as slaves just because of their gender ... It's amazing that it's not one of the top things that we're discussing as what's wrong with the world today."

Amen to that, Rainn.

By Judy Berman

Judy Berman is a writer and editor in Brooklyn. She is a regular contributor to Salon's Broadsheet.

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