Kathleen Sebelius, "enemy of the unborn"

The religious right is itching for a fight over the Cabinet nominee.

Published March 2, 2009 7:40PM (EST)

Howard Dean isn't the only one miffed about the nomination of Kathleen Sebelius as secretary of Health and Human Services. The religious right is cracking its knuckles to take on the Kansas governor, whom Catholic League president Bill Donohue is calling "an enemy of the unborn" and who has been under fire for her ties with Wichita abortion doctor George Tiller.

"The pro-life groups have an itchy trigger finger on this," Christian Broadcasting Network reporter David Brody told CNN in a story posted this afternoon. "The inbox was full before Sebelius was nominated."

But the pro-life groups aren't exactly a political powerhouse these days. Liberal organizations like Catholics United are supporting Sebelius (who is a Catholic, by the way), and even Republican Sens. Sam Brownback and Pat Roberts have given her the nod.  Still, it's often in liberal, reproductive-rights-supporting administrations that pro-life groups gather steam. Could this be their first rallying cry?

By Sarah Hepola

Sarah Hepola is the author of the New York Times bestselling memoir, "Blackout: Remembering the Things I Drank to Forget."

MORE FROM Sarah Hepola

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