How many houses does Mitt Romney own?

In what could be a step towards another presidential run, the former Massachusetts governor is selling two of his homes.

Published April 8, 2009 7:45PM (EDT)

When John McCain proved unable to remember just how many houses he and his wife own, he took a pounding, one that hurt him badly. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, McCain's one-time rival for the Republican presidential nomination, might just be worried about the same thing happening to him.

The Associated Press reports (hat-tip to Ben Smith) that Romney has sold his ski house in Utah for "a little less" than the $5.25 million he wanted for it, and that his home in suburban Boston is also on the market, for about $3 million. According to the AP, the former governor is keeping two houses -- a summer home in New Hampshire and a compound in California.

A spokesman says Romney is just "downsizing and simplifying," which may well be true. But if that's the case, he picked an odd time to do it, considering the real estate market right now.

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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