Sarah Palin's burgeoning career

The former governor signs with a speakers' bureau, and makes plans to go to Hong Kong

Published August 31, 2009 6:45PM (EDT)

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is still out of office, but it looks like she's ready to get busy again. She's making the first steps towards a non-political career, or at least towards the ritual non-political career that comes for a little bit before the jump back into politics.

The biggest move in that direction: Palin has signed with a speakers' bureau, which will handle appearance requests for her now. She went with the Washington Speakers Bureau, Politico's Mike Allen reports, a well-known and credible outfit that will presumably be able to cut down on the amount of confusion and cancellation that has gone on with Palin's previous engagements, a serious embarrassment for her thus far.

Hopefully one group, the CLSA Investors Forum, made sure to double-check the confirmation it got from her, as they've announced that she'll visit Hong Kong next month in order to speak to it. It's Palin's first trip to Asia -- even though you can see it from Alaska -- and also her first commercial speaking engagement, according to the organization.

And, finally, the former governor is reportedly almost done with her book; once she's finished, Allen says, "she'll begin looking through the inch-and-a-half thick file her lawyer, Robert Barnett, has built of offers for network and cable pundit gigs, documentaries and business opportunities." (True fact: Barnett also represents President Obama, meaning that Palin pals around with people who pal around with people who pal around with terrorists.)

By Alex Koppelman

Alex Koppelman is a staff writer for Salon.

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