Tea Party Express spokesman cuts ties

The organization accepts resignation of conservative radio personality Mark Williams following his NAACP "letter"

Published July 23, 2010 7:16PM (EDT)

The Tea Party Express says it has accepted the resignation of its chief spokesmen who was widely condemned for satirizing the NAACP in a controversial blog posting.

Conservative radio personality Mark Williams on Friday told the Tea Party Express he wanted to break with the organization. Williams resigned as chairman of the group last month after one of his blog posts forced the National Tea Party Federation to expel the Tea Party Express.

The Tea Party Express announced the resignation in a statement.

Williams' blog post criticized the NAACP and its president. Williams said it was satire; the NAACP said the post was more evidence tea party activists condoned racism.

He said Friday his resignation as chairman was not enough to quiet "the media and our domestic enemies."

By Associated Press

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