Hackers Post W.Va. Police Officers' Personal Info

Published February 8, 2012 12:45PM (EST)

CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous hacking group obtained more than 150 police officers' personal information from an old website for the West Virginia Chiefs of Police Association and posted it online.

William Roper, the association's president, tells the Charleston Gazette ( ) the FBI is investigating. Roper is also the police chief of Ranson, W.Va.

Roper says a group called CabinCr3w hacked the website Monday and obtained the home addresses, home phone numbers and cellphone numbers of current and retired police chiefs. The association has a new website but members' information was stored on the old website's database.

Roper says CabinCr3W is affiliated with the hacking collective Anonymous. Last week, Anonymous hit the web with a slew of hacks against the FBI and police in Boston and Salt Lake City.


Information from: The Charleston Gazette, http://www.wvgazette.com

By Salon Staff

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