The Illinois Times has published a strange 9-1-1 call placed by Illinois pastor Father Tom Donovan on Nov. 28, who was apparently tied up in a pair of handcuffs at St. Aloysius Church.
This is how the call begins:
Donovan: Hi there, I am stuck in a pair of handcuffs. I’m going to need help getting out before this becomes a medical emergency.
Dispatcher: What's the problem?
Donovan: I'm stuck. In a pair. Of handcuffs.
Dispatcher: You’re stuck in a pair of handcuffs?
Donovan: Yes.
It's not clear how Donovan ended up in handcuffs, aside from that he was "playing with them," or why this constituted a medical emergency warranting police intervention, but the pastor has since taken a leave of absence. Kathie Sass, spokeswoman for the Diocese of Springfield, said that Donovan "came to the bishop before anyone was aware of the incident” and was granted a leave of absence sometime before Christmas.
Listen to the full call, below: