In this week's contest, the NRA, quantum physics, and Lance Armstrong.
The NRA is claiming huge membership increases as well as spike in the sale of assault rifles.
Did we have an assault weapons binge?
Just the thought should make all of us cringe.
Can we trust NRA,
to be honest when they,
Are the voice of a lunatic fringe?
Stephen Whitred
Barriere, B.C., Canada
Teachers with guns? – No thank you.
It’s an idea we need to eschew.
For let’s not forget,
There’d be a new threat;
Teachers can go psycho too.
Mark Tendas
Los Angeles
Quarterbacks come and quarterbacks go.
It ain't rocket science- it's just a big show.
So why shed a tear,
For the life and career,
Of the prayerful Timothy Tebow?
David Lloyd Maron
New York City

In a tale of pro cycling woe,
Tom Foltz
Fort Wayne, Ind.
Send entries to along with your name and hometown. The deadline is Friday at noon eastern and we’ll publish our favorites on Sunday. Good luck!