WASHINGTON — Interest rates on new student loans are likely headed higher after senators failed Thursday to advance proposals to keep them from doubling July 1.Dueling measures in the Senate would have kept interest rates on some student loans from moving from 3.4 percent to 6.8 percent, although separate Republican and Democratic proposals each failed to win 60 votes needed on procedural votes. The failure means that unless lawmakers can find a rare bipartisan agreement, students are likely to face higher rates on new subsidized Stafford student loans this fall but enjoy greater certainty on the interest they will be expected to pay during the life of their loans.
“I cannot understand why we’re having a problem with this,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters after the vote.
Democrats in the Senate unsuccessful sought a two-year extension of the current rates while lawmakers write a comprehensive overhaul of the student loan process.
Republicans, meanwhile, wanted to link interest rates to financial markets. Under Senate Republicans’ plan, interest rates would be based on the 10-year Treasury note and, once the rates were set each year, remain there until the loans were paid off.
The GOP parameters were not that different from President Barack Obama’s budget proposal, which also included interest rates linked to markets, or a version House Republicans have passed through their chamber.
President Barack Obama threatened to veto House Republicans’ legislation.
The Republican chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee, Rep. John Kline of Minnesota, said he does not plan to revisit his legislation and that it’s up to Obama to negotiate a deal or get the blame for higher rates.
“It leaves us with one body in Congress — the House — having passed legislation ... that would provide the long-term fix to the student loan interest rate problem,” Kline told reporters.
That fact is little consolation for students already carrying debt and likely to pick up more before graduation.
“I don’t think that many students know it’s going to increase,” said Kyle Pendergast, the student body president of Indiana’s Purdue University. “I would say that a lot of students won’t notice until they start paying back their loans. And at that point, it will be too late.”
Despite Thursday’s twin failures, lawmakers said this would not be the final word even as the clock ticked toward July 1.
“We’ve only got 24 days to get the additional votes we need to keep the rate from doubling,” said Chris Lindstrom of the consumer advocate U.S. PIRG.
The July 1 deadline doesn’t block future work, though.
“It is possible — I do not say this happily — it is possible that we get to the July 1 deadline and continue this into July. Not many student loans are made in July. Most are made in the second half of August and September,” said Terry Hartle, a top official with colleges’ lobbying operation at the American Council on Education.
“I could imagine — because the unimaginable is increasingly possible — that we could be talking about this after we miss the deadline. This looks too bizarre to be believed but it’s very much to be believed.”
Yet Congress’ failure could bring predictability — and a better deal — for some students if rates went to a fixed 6.8 percent rate.
House Republicans’ plan would send interest rates lower in the first few years of their plans but those rates reset annually. By 2017, the interest rates are projected to climb to 7.4 percent and then continue climbing.
The president’s plan, similarly, wasn’t that much better for students who qualify for Stafford subsidized loans. Students borrowing money in 2018 are expected to borrow at 6.1 percent interest — not a huge difference from the current 6.8 percent.
Senate Republicans, too, would be offering fixed rates of 7.1 percent or higher in 2016 if Congressional Budget Office projections hold.
For many, the drama as the deadline approaches seemed familiar.
Lawmakers last year passed a one-year extension of the interest rates in the middle of the presidential campaign. But now, there seems a lack of consensus with little more than three weeks before interest rates increase.
“Why do we have to debate this every year?” asked Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.