Tell us: Will you use the ACA marketplace?

Enrollment in the health exchanges started this week -- we want to know what you'll do now that it's official

Published October 3, 2013 6:27PM (EDT)

                                 (AP/Charles Dharapak)
(AP/Charles Dharapak)

Despite temper tantrums and GOP protests, open enrollment for the Affordable Care Act officially began on October 1st. As of this week, uninsured individuals can scan the new virtual healthcare marketplace to shop for competitively priced benefits slated to begin on January 1st, 2014. But technical snafus and national issues have cast a dark shadow on the program's opening day. While received 4.7 million visitors in the first 24 hours, the numbers on exactly how many people have signed up for insurance through the program are still unclear.

Will you be one of the 7 million citizens the Obama administration hopes to register within the first year? Have you already signed up for healthcare through the ACA? Or, will you skip the initiative and deal with the penalties later?

Go to the comments below and tell us.

By Annemarie Dooling

Annemarie is here to talk about Netflix, travel and local politics, and answer polite questions from the community at

MORE FROM Annemarie Dooling

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