Arby's bought Pharrell's hat

For $44,100

Published March 3, 2014 7:29PM (EST)

Pharrell Williams' hat from the Grammy Awards is on its way back to its rightful owner, Arby's. The fast food chain was not (totally) joking when it tweeted at the singer in January:

[embedtweet id="427614008946855936"]

The tweet made Arby's sort of relevant again, giving it more than 6,000 followers in just a few hours. So when the singer put his Vivienne Westwood-designed hat up for auction on eBay, Arby's wasn't about to let the joke go:

[embedtweet id="440294796121235456"]

[embedtweet id="440547962901364736"]

The proceeds from the auction go to William' charity for children, From One Hand to AnOTHER. And Arby's is in luck, because based on his Oscars performance, it looks like the singer's hat phase is still in full swing.

By Prachi Gupta

Prachi Gupta is an Assistant News Editor for Salon, focusing on pop culture. Follow her on Twitter at @prachigu or email her at

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