As has become tradition for him, comedian Jimmy Kimmel debuted his movie trailer parody following the Oscars on Sunday night. This year, however, Kimmel upped his game and produced not just one, but four hilarious videos, starring big names like Matt Damon, Meryl Streep and Samuel L. Jackson.
There's another twist: Each movie is adapted from a viral YouTube video. "Many of this year's Oscar nominated films were adapted from books, including 'The Wolf of Wall Street,' 'Captain Phillips,' and 'Twelve Years a Slave' -- but times are changing," says Kimmel's YouTube channel. "Our plan is to escort the movie business into the 21st century, so we enlisted the help of some of the greatest talents in the world of film to help us adapt popular YouTube videos into big-budget Hollywood movies."
"Sweet Brown: Ain't Nobody Got Time For That"
Starring Queen Latifah as Sweet Brown, Captain Phillips' Barkhad Abdi as a young Barack Obama, Adam Driver as Steve Jobs and Matt Damon as Matt Damon:
"David After Dentist Double Rainbow Oh My God! in 3D"
Based on "David After Dentist" and "Double Rainbow," Joseph Gordon-Levitt stars as David, Catherine Zeta-Jones is a fairy, Samuel L. Jackson is the maniacal loose-lipped dentist, and Seth Rogen is Double Rainbow guy.
Just another tale of healthy competition between two musical impresarios, Keyboard Cat and Hamster on a Piano, a bit of Dramatic Chipmunk, and an all-star cast of Kevin Spacey, Mandy Patinkin, Christoph Waltz, Gary Oldman, Ben Kingsley and Abbie Cornish:
"Bitman Begins"
Christopher Nolan directs the Hemsworth brothers, Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep in the dramatic saga inspired by "Charlie bit my finger":