Cancer patient who called Obamacare “unaffordable” in conservative ad will actually save money

Believe it or not, an ad from the Koch-backed Americans for Prosperity turns out to be seriously misleading

Published March 11, 2014 2:20PM (EDT)

 Julie Boonstra, Americans for Prosperity (<a href="">Screen shot, Americans for Prosperity</a>)
Julie Boonstra, Americans for Prosperity (Screen shot, Americans for Prosperity)

According to the Huffington Post, an anti-Obamacare television ad from the conservative group Americans for Prosperity (AFP), which is funded in part by the Koch brothers, has been revealed by the Detroit News to be egregiously misleading.

Featuring Julie Boonstra, a leukemia patient and former wife of a GOP county chairman, the AFP ad shows Boonstra telling a story of Obamacare raising her health care costs to the point where the treatment she desperately needs is put in jeopardy. Speaking of her new health care plan, Boonstra calls "the out-of-pocket high, it's unaffordable."

Yet the Detroit News found Boonstra's situation to be considerably less dire than she believes. While Boonstra's old plan had her paying a little more than $13,000 per year in health care costs, her new Obamacare plan's maximum annual cost will be just a shade under $12,000. That means Boonstra will be paying, at the most, $1,000 less than she was prior.

When told this by the Detroit News, however, Boonstra reportedly said the lesser costs "can't be true" and added that she "personally [does] not believe that."

You can watch Boonstra's AFP ad below, but do remember not to believe everything you see on TV (or YouTube):


By Elias Isquith

Elias Isquith is a former Salon staff writer.

MORE FROM Elias Isquith

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