Las Vegas shooters had swastikas in their apartment, bragged about hanging with Cliven Bundy

Also: Reports that the man and woman allegedly responsible for Sunday's attack planned to kill more than they did

Published June 9, 2014 8:31PM (EDT)

Cliven Bundy                     (Reuters/Jim Urquhart)
Cliven Bundy (Reuters/Jim Urquhart)

Jerad and Amanda Miller, the man and woman who allegedly killed three people as well as themselves in Las Vegas on Sunday, bragged to neighbors about being part of renegade rancher Cliven Bundy's gun-toting group, reports the Las Vegas Sun.

According to the Sun, former neighbors of the couple said the two would frequently talk about their extensive collection of guns as well as the time they spent with Bundy and his crew. In reference to the couple, Sue Hill, a former neighbor, said, "Yap, yap, yap. They were always running their mouths."

Other neighbors claimed that the couple was "radicalized" after spending time with Bundy:

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Bundy, for his part, told the Los Angeles Times that he did not know the couple and had no recollection of them.

Whether or not the Millers had ties to Bundy, what is clear is that they subscribed to a particularly violent and extreme ideology, one influenced by Nazism as well as far-right anti-government sentiment; after shooting the two officers, Jerad Miller reportedly draped a Gadsden flag over their bodies.

Chillingly, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that not only did the two plan to kill the police officers they murdered but that they had bigger plans, including an attack on an unidentified court building. The full scope of their ambition is still unknown.

[h/t HuffPo]

By Elias Isquith

Elias Isquith is a former Salon staff writer.

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